The best enhancement to any science fiction game or movie production looking to boost their audio with a realistic, immersive space ship AI voice is our AAA Game Character Ship AI Voice Sound Effects Pack.
AAA Game Character Ship AI voiceover sound library provides you with more than 370+ immersive, game-ready voice-over sound files, vocalizations, fighting and pain sounds, custom character specific dialogue lines, stock non-player character dialogue lines, and everything needed to create compelling cinematic scenes, character, and outstanding gameplay audio experiences.
The vocal profile of the Ship AI is modern, sleek, and has a robotic yet human-like tone.
It is ideal for in-game NPCs, robots, helpers, sidekicks, androids, and any other characters that call for a futuristic aesthetic. If you want to further process it with vocal effects, our voice is available in clean audio format and is prepared for your game as is. It is a great asset to any sci-fi game or movie production because of its voice-over sound files, which offer a wide range of vocalizations from common language to particular in-game phrases.
AAA Game Character Ship AI s voice over sound effects is not only packed with high-quality voice recordings but includes thought out, cohesive scripted dialogue and vocalizations to help you build dynamic western stories, game trailers, in-game characters, dramatic moments and so much more.
Pack Contents:
- 142 stock NPC dialogue lines
- 132 custom character specific dialogue lines
- 14 crying – sad, groan, regret, dying
- 24 fighting vocals
- 22 jumping sounds
- 20 robotic laughing sounds
- 22 pain grunts and vocalizations
Total Number Of Files:
- 376
- 272.9 MB