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MPowerSynth is an extremely versatile synthesizer featuring the best sounding oscillators on the market, the most advanced distorting filters and a unique modular effects engine. It also features our smart randomization system providing endless inspiration!

1500+ High Quality Presets and Randomiser

MPowerSynth comes with over 1500 community designed presets, post-processed to get the highest possible quality. Each preset features at least 4 macro controls, automatically assigned to standard MIDI controllers such as modulation wheel or expression pedal. This means unexhaustible set of leads, pads, basses, effects and much more… And if you run out of inspiration or simply want something really new, our ground-breaking smart randomization engine will let you create literally infinite number of sounds.

Sounds Better than Both Analog & Digital

Almost all digital synthesizers on the market produce severe aliasing. Some try to fight it by oversampling, some ignore it, and others simply add some noise and tell you that this simulates analog synthesizers. Analog synthesizers on the other hand suffer from limited versatility, distortion induced by the imperfection of the analog components, and, of course, noise. MPowerSynth oscillators provide crystal clear sound free of any aliasing, distortion and other imperfections. But of course, if you want to make it less perfect, MPowerSynth gives you plenty of opportunities to do so. Don’t take our word for it – get the trial and check it yourself! If you don’t hear it, just use an analyzer, MAnalyzer is free :).

More than 100 Ultra Versatile Filters

MPowerSynth features extremely versatile double-distorting filters, two of them for each voice and any number of them in the FX section. Each provides an advanced input distortion and output saturation, and the filter itself is powered by its own envelope or you can control it using the powerful modulators. And you can choose from more than 100 different filters – from classic low/high/band-pass and shelves, to formant, comb, diffuser, polymorph filters and much more.

The Ultimate Modular FX Section

MPowerSynth features almost all of the top-class effects MeldaProduction is known for, in an easy-to-use modular environment. If you just want a great sounding rotary or chorus, it is 2 clicks away. But you can have literally any number of effects you want, connect them however you want, add feedback etc. The smart randomizer can generate the whole FX structures! And if you jump in manually, it really lets you unleash your creativity! So what effects you have at your disposal? Over 35, consisting of modulation effects, filters, distortion, dynamics and much more. And of course lots of building blocks, such as a crossover, feedback, mixer etc.

Extremely Versatile Modulators

All our creative plugins feature probably the most versatile modulators on the market, and MPowerSynth is no exception. Whenever you wish to bring life to the sound, it is just a few clicks away. You can modulate literally anything using LFO, envelope and random generator. Things like MIDI reset, sync, custom LFO and envelope shapes are certainly available…

Polyphonic Arpeggiator

MPowerSynth’s polyphonic arpeggiator is so versatile, that you may consider it cheating! It can follow your chords up, down, randomly, play all of the notes, specific interval, or any combination. Then you have shuffle, note length, multi-octave etc. You can change velocity, octave, length and even probability for each step. And the best part is, as always, the smart randomizer, which lets you generate complete arpeggiator settings, or just some sequences…get inspired!

New Standard in Audio Synthesis

MPowerSynth just gives you more than you are used to – custom glide shape, custom velocity curve, harmony voices, automatic output volume setup, safety limiter, up to 16x oversampling and much more… Whether you are focused on audio quality, maximum creativity or ease-of-use, MPowerSynth provides more. MPowerSynth is a new class of synthesizers focused on the future.


The Most Advanced User Interface on the Market – Stylable, Resizable, GPU Accelerated

  • Modern user interfaces must not only be easy and quick to use, but also versatile and the whole visual appearance should inspire you. MPowerSynth features the most advanced GUI engine on the market. It is still the first and only GUI engine, which is freely resizable and stylable. It also lets you choose between knobs, sliders or buttons, whichever you like the most.
  • The plugin can look as an ancient vintage gear, if you are working on old-school rock music. Or as super-modern futuristic device if you are working on modern electronic music.
  • If your display doesn’t have a high resolution, you can make the plugin smaller. If the fonts are too small, you can make the plugin bigger and save your eyes.
  • All the graphics is accelerated using your GPU, graphical interface, providing ultimately quick response and keep your CPU focused on the audio.

Unique Visualisation Engine with Classic Meters and Time Graphs

  • Your ears should always be the main judge, but a smart metering system can often be a huge help. MPowerSynth provides the most advanced metering system out there. The plugin can display the measurements of all relevant values using classic meters, or it can even show them in time using the time graphs. Everything is customisable as usual.


  • MPowerSynth provides 8 fully-featured modulators which can control any set of parameters including other modulators. Each modulator works as an LFO, level follower, midi/audio triggered ADSR enveloper, randomiser or pitch detector, or even a combination and can listen to the plugin’s side-chain.
  • You can make the sound move in time, be less static and more interesting. You can make various parameters depend on the input (or the sidechain) level or even listen to the input pitch.

Adjustable Oscillator Shape Technology

  • Every oscillator in MPowerSynth uses the most versatile oscillator algorithm on the market. It provides mix of predefined oscillator shapes, custom waveforms edited using our MeldaProduction Envelope System (MES), a step-sequencer and several methods for algorithmic post-processing.
  • It also provides a harmonic mode, which lets you control the harmonic content instead of oscillator shape. This is especially useful for high frequency oscillators.


  • MPowerSynth lets you control multiple parameters using a single so-called multiparameter. This may not only come handy for automation for example, but the multiparameters are very smart units and you can use them to smartly morph between banks of settings for example. All in the name of creativity!System Requirements

Smart Randomisation

  • Being creative is sometimes complicated and one often needs an inspiration. By clicking a single button you can walk through the billions of possible settings and find the best one for you. The smart randomisation algorithm wisely selects good sounding combinations of parameters. It can even randomise modulators for you. And if that’s too much, you can just hold ctrl and MPowerSynth will just slightly modify existing settings.

Automatic Gain Compensation (AGC)

  • Most plugins change loudness of the output audio, which makes browsing presets inconvenient, not mentioning randomisation. MPowerSynth includes automatic gain compensation, which quickly adapts to current settings and ensures the output sounds as loud as the input. This even protects you from thinking that something sounds better in cases it is just louder.

Safety Limiter

  • Some plugins can intensely increase gain when exposed to specific audio materials. MPowerSynth provides a safety brick wall limiter, which ensures the output stays below 0dB and prevents your equipment and your ears from potential danger automatically.

Sync Interpolation

  • MPowerSynth implements the most advanced interpolation technology to provide the best audio quality.

Adjustable Up-Sampling 1x-16x

  • Digital audio provides very superior audio quality compared to ancient analog gear, but there are problems too. The main problem is the aliasing, which may be noticeable, when using nonlinear processes such as compression or saturation. MPowerSynth includes both minimum-phase and high-quality linear-phase upsampling algorithms, which avoids the aliasing.

Synchronisation to Host Tempo

  • Every oscillator and modulator in the plugin can automatically synchronise to the host. But it can be out-of-sync if you want of course.

MIDI Controllers with MIDI Learn

  • MPowerSynth contains a powerful MIDI processor, which listen to MIDI controllers and MIDI keyboard and control any parameters realtime.

64-bit Processing and an Unlimited Sampling Rate

  • MPowerSynth provides the maximum audio quality you can get. It uses 64-bit audio processing and can handle any sampling rate. It does not make much sense to go over 192kHz, but if you think it is a good idea, the plugin can do that.

Extremely Fast, Optimised for Newest AVX Capable Processors

  • Computers are now extremely fast, but the algorithms are more complex and projects bigger, so we still need to use the processing power with care. MPowerSynth uses the fastest algorithms, takes advantage of the newest processor capabilities, lets your GPU handle the graphics, and shares the resources with other MeldaProduction plugins. The plugin is among the fastest on the market, yet it provides the best possible audio quality.

Global Preset Management and Online Preset Exchange

  • MPowerSynth presets are carefully stored in a system database and you can quickly access them from any project in any host. The plugin can automatically share your presets and download presets of other users from our servers. We are building a community and you can be a part of it!

Supports VST, VST3, AU and AAX Interfaces on Windows & Mac, both 32-bit and 64-bit

  • MPowerSynth supports all major hosts on both platforms. Check system requirements for information about compatibility and installation.

No Dongle nor Internet Access is Required for Activation

  • How many times did you forget your USB dongle? We are an honest company and expect the same from our customers. Our software uses licence files to activate your software. And the licences are to-person, so you can use it on all your computers as long as you are the user.


  • Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support
  • Always use 32-bit plugins in 32-bit hosts, or 64-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts!

64-bit plugins can’t work in 32-bit hosts even if the operating system is 64-bit. Do NOT use 32-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts. They would have to be bridged and can become slow and unstable


  • Mac OS X (10.7 and newer, 32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AU / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support

AU note: in some hosts, the GUI is not shown for the first time, if so, then please just restart the host.

Price History: MPowerSynth
242.00 $
Buyer Rating170 Votes


4 Extraordinary Filters in Each Band

With MCombMB you have up to six bands, each with up to 4 filters. You can have them in series, in parallel, or just mix it somehow. Each filter has an adjustable feedback with band pass and even a limiter! You can also invert phase in each channel to get quite some unique stereo width. And most of that is easily accessible using the easy-to-use graphical editor. And that is just a beginning…

Modulation Heaven

Love the sound of our plugins, but wish there were some way to quickly create motion in your sequences? Enter Melda modulation heaven. Modulate any parameter from our unique set of modulation sources, which includes LFOs, audio level followers, envelope generators, randomizer, and pitch detectors.

MeldaProduction Goodies

You can also expect to find the standard MeldaProduction goodies: 16x upsampling, M/S, surround support as well as other channel modes, A-H presets for easy comparisons, and our easy to use integrated help system.


  • The most advanced user interface on the market – stylable, resizable, GPU accelerated
  • Unique visualisation engine with classic meters and time graphs
  • 1-6 fully configurable independent bands
  • 4 exceptionally versatile modulators
  • Adjustable oscillator shape technology
  • 4 multiparameters
  • M/S, single channel, up to 8 channels surround processing…
  • Smart randomisation
  • Automatic gain compensation (AGC)
  • Safety limiter
  • Sync interpolation
  • Adjustable up-sampling 1x-16x
  • MIDI controllers with MIDI learn
  • Very fast, optimised for SSE/SSE2/SSE3 processors
  • Global preset management and online preset exchange
  • Supports VST, VST3, AU and AAX interfaces on Windows & Mac, both 32-bit and 64-bit
  • No dongle nor internet access is required for activation
  • Free-for-life updates


  • Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support
  • Always use 32-bit plugins in 32-bit hosts, or 64-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts!

64-bit plugins can’t work in 32-bit hosts even if the operating system is 64-bit. Do NOT use 32-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts. They would have to be bridged and can become slow and unstable


  • Mac OS X (10.7 and newer, 32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AU / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support

AU note: in some hosts, the GUI is not shown for the first time, if so, then please just restart the host.

Price History: MCombMB
54.00 $
Buyer Rating82 Votes


MSpectralDelay is a unique creative delay plugin, which works in the spectral domain and lets you perform various transformations on the delayed signal – from changing pitch to arbitrarily transforming individual frequencies. It’s complex, but it is still easy-to-use for the beginners.

20 delay plugins in one

MSpectralDelay is extremely powerful, therefore also complex. So we have exploited its features and created 20 active presets on the easy screen, each as versatile as a dedicated plugin. These make using the plugin easy even for complete beginners.

The power of spectral processing

Traditional delay plugins feature a simple feedback delay, which produces identical copies of the original signal, sometimes with a possibility of filtering, distortion or other basic effects.

MSpectralDelay lets you transform individual frequencies. First it lets you control the delay time, feedback, panorama and level (EQ) for each frequency. MSpectralDelay also provides complex spectral transformations – pitch, frequency shift, formants, plus an actual frequency to frequency transformation and level to level transformation.

MeldaProduction goodies

Isn’t transforming pitch, formants, levels and more advanced stuff enough to satisfy your creative needs? It wouldn’t be a Melda plugin without the signature modulators, multiparameters, channel modes, A-H presets, ABCD morphing and more!


  • The most advanced user interface on the market – stylable, resizable, GPU accelerated
  • Dual user interface, easy screen for beginners, edit screen for professionals
  • Unique visualisation engine with classic meters and time graphs
  • 1-6 fully configurable independent bands
  • Modulators
  • Adjustable oscillator shape technology
  • Multiparameters
  • M/S, single channel, up to 8 channels surround processing…
  • Smart randomization
  • Automatic gain compensation (AGC)
  • Safety limiter
  • Adjustable up-sampling 1x-16x
  • Synchronization to host tempo
  • MIDI controllers with MIDI learn
  • 64-bit processing and an unlimited sampling rate
  • Extremely fast, optimized for newest AVX2 capable processors
  • Global preset management and online preset exchange
  • Supports VST, VST3, AU and AAX interfaces on Windows & Mac, both 32-bit and 64-bit
  • No dongle nor internet access is required for activation
  • Free-for-life updates


  • Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support
  • Always use 32-bit plugins in 32-bit hosts, or 64-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts!

64-bit plugins can’t work in 32-bit hosts even if the operating system is 64-bit. Do NOT use 32-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts. They would have to be bridged and can become slow and unstable


  • Mac OS X (10.7 and newer, 32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AU / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support

AU note: in some hosts, the GUI is not shown for the first time, if so, then please just restart the host.

Price History: MSpectralDelay
107.00 $
Buyer Rating83 Votes


The essential tools for production, mixing and mastering!

Melda have picked the most important plugins from their huge arsenal and put them into a single cost-effective bundle, which contains everything you need to produce, mix and master music efficiently and with ultimate audio quality.

Ultimate Audio Quality

High speed, simplicity, crystal clear sound and minimal noise level is the standard output from every MeldaProduction plugin.

Unique Super-modern Technologies

MeldaProduction specialize in hi-tech super-modern technologies available nowhere else. Their MEssentialsFXBundle does not contain simulations of vintage analogue devices or mere clones. Rather their plugins move audio production technology forward! The price is also more than affordable. The question now, is only: “Do you want to join this advancing, new world of audio processing”?


MTurboDelay is the ultimate delay providing 39 delay plugins in a single beast. That means 39 completely different delay designs inspired by both analog and digital worlds, brought to a whole new level.


  • The most advanced user interface on the market – stylable, resizable, GPU accelerated
  • Unique visualisation engine with classic meters and time graphs
  • M/S, single channel, up to 8 channels surround processing…
  • Smart randomization
  • Automatic gain compensation (AGC)
  • Safety limiter
  • Synchronization to host tempo
  • MIDI controllers with MIDI learn
  • 64-bit processing and an unlimited sampling rate
  • Extremely fast, optimized for newest AVX2 and AVX512 capable processors
  • Global preset management and online preset exchange


MAutoAlign solves problems with phase cancellations when recording a single instrument using multiple microphones. Normally engineers have to search for ideal delays and potentially invert phases manually. But now all you need to do is to place MAutoAlign to all tracks you want to fix, start playback and press Analyze button in one of them. The plugin will analyze all tracks and after a few seconds, you are finished!


  • Unique multitrack design – the plugin does not need any advanced techniques with sidechains etc. All you need is to do is to place one instance to each track. These will automatically talk to each other and perform the analysis without need for your interaction.
  • Completely transparent processing – the plugin only delays each track and potentially inverts phase of some of them. But performs no filtering or any other advanced processing which alters the signal.
  • Advanced metering system – provided meters display frequency cancellations useful to judge how much of the signal is lost when mixing the tracks together.
  • Up to 8 channels surround processing – our plugins can handle not only mono and stereo signals but also up to 8 channels of surround audio, making them ideal for audio production for movies, games etc.
  • Extremely advanced and easy-to-use user interface – our products are always designed to enhance the workflow. You can easily change all values, fine-tune each control in multiple ways. Easy orientation in a standardized GUI, textual editing and smooth visualization with almost unlimited zooming are standard in all of our plugins. Moreover, Melda plugins are the world first (and still the only ones), which support resizable and stylable GUI’s.
  • MIDI controllers with MIDI learn – you can map any parameter to any MIDI controller or MIDI keyboard and control it realtime or record and automate it.
  • Very fast, optimized for SSE and SSE2 processors.
  • Fully automatable.


MAutoDynamicEQ is the ultimate “go-to” parametric equalizer, that combines astonishing versatility with ease-of-use to produce a really musical sound. Inspired by the analog world, but taking advantage of the digital!


  • The most advanced user interface on the market – stylable, resizable, GPU accelerated
  • Unique visualisation engine with classic meters and time graphs
  • exceptionally versatile modulators
  • Adjustable oscillator shape technology
  • 4 multiparameters
  • M/S, single channel, up to 8 channels surround processing…
  • Smart randomisation
  • Automatic gain compensation (AGC)
  • Safety limiter
  • Adjustable up-sampling 1x-16x
  • MIDI controllers with MIDI learn
  • Very fast, optimised for SSE/SSE2/SSE3 processors
  • Global preset management and online preset exchange


Vocals, bass, solo guitars, saxophones. They all deserve to be on top of the mix all the time. To accomplish this, some engineers used compressors, others automated faders. Now you have MAutoVolume, which does the job for you with almost no effort and with unbelievable audio quality.


  • The most advanced user interface on the market – stylable, resizable, GPU accelerated
  • Unique visualisation engine with classic meters and time graphs
  • exceptionally versatile modulators
  • Adjustable oscillator shape technology
  • 4 multiparameters
  • M/S, single channel, up to 8 channels surround processing…
  • Smart randomisation
  • Automatic gain compensation (AGC)
  • Safety limiter
  • Adjustable up-sampling 1x-16x
  • MIDI controllers with MIDI learn
  • Very fast, optimised for SSE/SSE2/SSE3 processors
  • Global preset management and online preset exchange


MCompare is the ultimate reference tool for mixing and mastering allowing you to quickly compare your audio to any audio file and stages of your processing chain, and saves you from loudness deception.


  • The most advanced user interface on the market – stylable, resizable, GPU accelerated
  • Unique visualisation engine with classic meters and time graphs
  • M/S, single channel, up to 8 channels surround processing…
  • MIDI controllers with MIDI learn
  • 64-bit processing and an unlimited sampling rate
  • Extremely fast, optimized for newest AVX2 and AVX512 capable processors
  • Global preset management and online preset exchange


4 simple knobs give you all the power to make your recordings loud without the ugly artifacts most limiters cause. Choose the character you like and just use the drive knob. Advanced visualization will tell you immediately how loud the results are. If you need to dive deeper, just click the edit button.


  • The most advanced user interface on the market – stylable, resizable, GPU accelerated
  • Dual user interface, easy screen for beginners, edit screen for professionals
  • Unique visualisation engine with classic meters and time graphs
  • 4 multiparameters
  • M/S, single channel, up to 8 channels surround processing…
  • Automatic gain compensation (AGC)
  • Safety limiter
  • Adjustable up-sampling 1x-16x
  • MIDI controllers with MIDI learn
  • Very fast, optimized for SSE/SSE2/SSE3 processors
  • Global preset management and online preset exchange


MSaturatorMB is a powerful multiband saturation/distortion processor. It can be smooth as glass, hard as rock, or creamy as butter. Its modulation system goes far beyond what you could have thought possible. All this with unbelievable audio quality that will blow you away.


  • The most advanced user interface on the market – stylable, resizable, GPU accelerated
  • Dual user interface, easy screen for beginners, edit screen for professionals
  • Unique visualisation engine with classic meters and time graphs
  • 1-6 fully configurable independent bands
  • Modulators
  • Adjustable oscillator shape technology
  • Multiparameters
  • M/S, single channel, up to 8 channels surround processing…
  • Smart randomization
  • Automatic gain compensation (AGC)
  • Safety limiter
  • Adjustable up-sampling 1x-16x
  • Synchronization to host tempo
  • MIDI controllers with MIDI learn
  • 64-bit processing and an unlimited sampling rate
  • Extremely fast, optimized for newest AVX2 and AVX512 capable processors
  • Global preset management and online preset exchange


MTurboComp is the ultimate (not-only) compressor, which emulates most of the classic vintage analogue compressors. Unbelievable sound, uniquely fast workflow, tons of additional features.


  • The most advanced user interface on the market – stylable, resizable, GPU accelerated
  • Unique visualisation engine with classic meters and time graphs
  • Unique generalized dynamic detector
  • Parallel compression using dry/wet control
  • Unique temporary gain feature
  • M/S, single channel, up to 8 channels surround processing…
  • Automatic gain compensation (AGC)
  • Safety limiter
  • Adjustable up-sampling 1x-16x
  • MIDI controllers with MIDI learn
  • 64-bit processing and an unlimited sampling rate
  • Extremely fast, optimized for newest AVX2 and AVX512 capable processors
  • Global preset management and online preset exchange


MTurboReverbLE is an edition of Melda’s revolutionary algorithmic reverb MTurboReverb, at a lower price, but has a few limitations.


  • The most advanced user interface on the market – stylable, resizable, GPU accelerated
  • Dual user interface, easy screen for beginners, edit screen for professionals
  • Unique visualisation engine with classic meters and time graphs
  • Modulators
  • Multiparameters
  • Tube saturation
  • M/S, single channel, up to 8 channels surround processing…
  • Smart randomization
  • Automatic gain compensation (AGC)
  • Safety limiter
  • Adjustable up-sampling 1x-16x
  • Synchronization to host tempo
  • MIDI controllers with MIDI learn
  • 64-bit processing and an unlimited sampling rate
  • Extremely fast, optimized for newest AVX capable processors
  • Global preset management and online preset exchange


  • Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support
  • Always use 32-bit plugins in 32-bit hosts, or 64-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts!

64-bit plugins can’t work in 32-bit hosts even if the operating system is 64-bit. Do NOT use 32-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts. They would have to be bridged and can become slow and unstable.

Mac OS X

  • Mac OS X 10.9 and newer (64-bit only)
  • VST / VST3 / AU / AAX compatible host (64-bit only)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support or Apple Silicon processor

Note: Please check your product PDF documentation for more information and installation instructions.

Price History: MEssentialsFXBundle
299.00 $
Buyer Rating127 Votes


MPhaserMB is a powerful multiband phaser which allows you to deftly manipulate its shape.

Its pristine audio quality and multiband core make it perfect for any track you are working on. From guitars to keys to drums, you can even use it subtly on master tracks.


  • Dual user interface – the plugin is not only extremely versatile, but also quick and easy-to-use thanks to 2 graphical user interfaces. First there is a simple default one with several predefined modes, but just a few controls, which lets you start quickly and easily without any knowledge. All you need to do is choose what you want and use a few knobs. And the plugins also has an advanced mode, which provides all the extreme features the plugin offers.
  • 1-6 fully configurable independent bands built on 3 perfectly transparent crossover algorithms (analog, linear-phase and hybrid) with fully adjustable limits and input gains. Includes peak meters for all bands and the master.
  • Continuously adjustable oscillator shape – every oscillator in our plugins is defined by a mix of predefined oscillator shapes, custom waveforms edited using our MeldaProduction Envelope System (MES), step-sequencer and several methods for algorithmic postprocessing. It is the most advanced approach for defining oscillator shapes.
  • 4 global modulators – in each instance you can have up to 4 fully-featured modulators that can modulate any set of parameters including other modulators! In this way you can make the sound move in time, be less static and more interesting. Each modulator works as LFO, follower, midi/audio triggered ADSR envelopes, a pitch detector or even a combination.
  • Up to 8 channels surround processing – our plugins can handle not only mono and stereo signals, but also up to 8 channels of surround audio, making them ideal for audio production for movies, games etc.
  • Full randomization – using a single button you can generate completely new settings. By clicking the button you can walk through the billions of possible settings and find the best one for you! And if that’s too much, you can just hold ctrl and MPhaserMB will only slightly modify existing settings.
  • Adjustable up-sampling 1x-16x to minimize aliasing and get an even clearer sound.
  • Extremely advanced and easy-to-use user interface – our products are always designed to enhance the workflow. You can easily change all values, fine-tune each control in multiple ways. Easy orientation in a standardized GUI, textual editing and smooth visualization with almost unlimited zooming are standard in all of our plugins. Moreover our plugins are the world first (and still the only ones), which support resizable and stylable GUI’s.
  • Automatic synchronization to host tempo – every oscillator and modulator in the plugin can automatically synchronize to the host providing as natural a sound as possible while not offending other tracks.
  • MIDI controllers with MIDI learn – you can map any parameter to any MIDI controller or MIDI keyboard and control it realtime or record and automate it.
  • Very fast, optimized for SSE and SSE2 processors.
  • Global preset management and online preset exchange – using a title button you can save your settings (which are shared on the computer) so you can easily access these in other songs. Moreover all plugins can automatically share your presets and download presets of other users from our servers (if this feature is enabled). We are building a community and you can be a part of it!


  • Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support
  • Always use 32-bit plugins in 32-bit hosts, or 64-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts!

64-bit plugins can’t work in 32-bit hosts even if the operating system is 64-bit. Do NOT use 32-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts. They would have to be bridged and can become slow and unstable


  • Mac OS X (10.7 and newer, 32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AU / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support

AU note: in some hosts, the GUI is not shown for the first time, if so, then please just restart the host.

Price History: MPhaserMB
43.00 $
Buyer Rating61 Votes


MFreqShifterMB is a revolutionary frequency shifting plugin which breaks down the harmonic content of the audio. Use it to fatten the sound, produce mild stereo expansion, or even provide complete sound destruction. Whether you simply need an enhancement tool, or are searching for a truly original sound, this is the plugin for you!


  • Dual user interface – the plugin is not only extremely versatile, but also quick and easy-to-use thanks to 2 graphical user interfaces. First there is a simple default one with several predefined modes, but just a few controls, which lets you start quickly and easily without any knowledge. All you need to do is choose what you want and use a few knobs. And the plugins also has an advanced mode, which provides all the extreme features the plugin offers.
  • 1-6 fully configurable independent bands built on 3 perfectly transparent crossover algorithms (analog, linear-phase and hybrid) with fully adjustable limits and input gains. Includes peak meters for all bands and the master.
  • Continuously adjustable oscillator shape – every oscillator in our plugins is defined by a mix of predefined oscillator shapes, custom waveforms edited using our MeldaProduction Envelope System (MES), step-sequencer and several methods for algorithmic postprocessing. It is the most advanced approach for defining oscillator shapes. 
  • 4 global modulators – in each instance you can have up to 4 fully-featured modulators that can modulate any set of parameters including other modulators! In this way you can make the sound move in time, be less static and more interesting. Each modulator works as LFO, follower, midi/audio triggered ADSR envelopes, a pitch detector or even a combination.
  • Up to 8 channels surround processing – our plugins can handle not only mono and stereo signals, but also up to 8 channels of surround audio, making them ideal for audio production for movies, games etc.
  • Full randomization – using a single button you can generate completely new settings. By clicking the button you can walk through the billions of possible settings and find the best one for you! And if that’s too much, you can just hold ctrl and MFreqShifterMB will only slightly modify existing settings.
  • Adjustable up-sampling 1x-16x to minimize aliasing and get an even clearer sound.
  • Extremely advanced and easy-to-use user interface – our products are always designed to enhance the workflow. You can easily change all values, fine-tune each control in multiple ways. Easy orientation in a standardized GUI, textual editing and smooth visualization with almost unlimited zooming are standard in all of our plugins. Moreover our plugins are the world first (and still the only ones), which support resizable and stylable GUI’s.
  • Automatic synchronization to host tempo – every oscillator and modulator in the plugin can automatically synchronize to the host providing as natural a sound as possible while not offending other tracks.
  • MIDI controllers with MIDI learn – you can map any parameter to any MIDI controller or MIDI keyboard and control it realtime or record and automate it.
  • Very fast, optimized for SSE and SSE2 processors.
  • Global preset management and online preset exchange – using a title button you can save your settings (which are shared on the computer) so you can easily access these in other songs. Moreover all plugins can automatically share your presets and download presets of other users from our servers (if this feature is enabled). We are building a community and you can be a part of it!
  • Fully Automatable.


  • Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 (64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AAX compatible host (64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support
  • Always use 32-bit plugins in 32-bit hosts, or 64-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts!

64-bit plugins can’t work in 32-bit hosts even if the operating system is 64-bit. Do NOT use 32-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts. They would have to be bridged and can become slow and unstable


  • Mac OS X (10.7 and newer, 32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AU / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support

AU note: in some hosts, the GUI is not shown for the first time, if so, then please just restart the host.

Price History: MFreqShifterMB
54.00 $
Buyer Rating162 Votes


Vocals, bass, solo guitars, saxophones. They all deserve to be on top of the mix all the time. To accomplish this, some engineers used compressors, others automated faders. Now you have MAutoVolume, which does the job for you with almost no effort and with unbelievable audio quality.

MAutoVolume Will Adapt to your Mix

How many times did the main vocal sit just right in the mix and suddenly it didn’t? Feed everything except for the vocal to the MAutoVolume side-chain and the plugin will ensure it will always sit on top of the mix.

Automation of the Resulting Gain

In the rare event that you are not satisfied with the automatic results of the plugin, you can export the gain as an automation track, allowing you to make manual corrections. The plugin can ride the faders for you, but you always have the last word!

MeldaProduction Goodies

As usual you get the standard MeldaProduction goodies: up to 16x upsampling, M/S, surround and other channel modes, A-H presets for speeding up your workflow, an integrated help system plus much more!


  • The most advanced user interface on the market – stylable, resizable, GPU accelerated
  • Unique visualisation engine with classic meters and time graphs
  • exceptionally versatile modulators
  • Adjustable oscillator shape technology
  • 4 multiparameters
  • M/S, single channel, up to 8 channels surround processing…
  • Smart randomisation
  • Automatic gain compensation (AGC)
  • Safety limiter
  • Adjustable up-sampling 1x-16x
  • MIDI controllers with MIDI learn
  • Very fast, optimised for SSE/SSE2/SSE3 processors
  • Global preset management and online preset exchange
  • Supports VST, VST3, AU and AAX interfaces on Windows & Mac, both 32-bit and 64-bit
  • No dongle nor internet access is required for activation
  • Free-for-life updates


  • Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support
  • Always use 32-bit plugins in 32-bit hosts, or 64-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts!

64-bit plugins can’t work in 32-bit hosts even if the operating system is 64-bit. Do NOT use 32-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts. They would have to be bridged and can become slow and unstable


  • Mac OS X (10.7 and newer, 32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AU / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support

AU note: in some hosts, the GUI is not shown for the first time, if so, then please just restart the host.

Price History: MAutoVolume
59.00 $
Buyer Rating192 Votes


MVibratoMB is a powerful multiband vibrato with our adjustable shape feature. This vibrato provides the best audio quality available and its modulation system takes it far beyond the limitations of other plugins of its kind.

We are especially proud of the excellent rotary simulation the plugin provides.


  • Dual user interface – the plugin is not only extremely versatile, but also quick and easy-to-use thanks to 2 graphical user interfaces. First there is a simple default one with several predefined modes, but just a few controls, which lets you start quickly and easily without any knowledge. All you need to do is choose what you want and use a few knobs. And the plugins also has an advanced mode, which provides all the extreme features the plugin offers.
  • 1-6 fully configurable independent bands built on 3 perfectly transparent crossover algorithms (analog, linear-phase and hybrid) with fully adjustable limits and input gains. Includes peak meters for all bands and the master.
  • Continuously adjustable oscillator shape – every oscillator in our plugins is defined by a mix of predefined oscillator shapes, custom waveforms edited using our MeldaProduction Envelope System (MES), step-sequencer and several methods for algorithmic postprocessing. It is the most advanced approach for defining oscillator shapes.
  • 4 global modulators – in each instance you can have up to 4 fully-featured modulators that can modulate any set of parameters including other modulators! In this way you can make the sound move in time, be less static and more interesting. Each modulator works as LFO, follower, midi/audio triggered ADSR envelopes, a pitch detector or even a combination.
  • Up to 8 channels surround processing – our plugins can handle not only mono and stereo signals, but also up to 8 channels of surround audio, making them ideal for audio production for movies, games etc.
  • Full randomization – using a single button you can generate completely new settings. By clicking the button you can walk through the billions of possible settings and find the best one for you! And if that’s too much, you can just hold ctrl and MVibratoMB will only slightly modify existing settings.
  • Sync interpolation and high-quality upsampling – MVibratoMB implements the most advanced technologies to provide the best audio quality.
  • Adjustable up-sampling 1x-16x to minimize aliasing and get an even clearer sound.
  • Extremely advanced and easy-to-use user interface – our products are always designed to enhance the workflow. You can easily change all values, fine-tune each control in multiple ways. Easy orientation in a standardized GUI, textual editing and smooth visualization with almost unlimited zooming are standard in all of our plugins. Moreover our plugins are the world first (and still the only ones), which support resizable and stylable GUI’s.
  • Automatic synchronization to host tempo – every oscillator and modulator in the plugin can automatically synchronize to the host providing as natural a sound as possible while not offending other tracks.
  • MIDI controllers with MIDI learn – you can map any parameter to any MIDI controller or MIDI keyboard and control it realtime or record and automate it.
  • Very fast, optimized for SSE and SSE2 processors.
  • Global preset management and online preset exchange – using a title button you can save your settings (which are shared on the computer) so you can easily access these in other songs. Moreover all plugins can automatically share your presets and download presets of other users from our servers (if this feature is enabled). We are building a community and you can be a part of it!
  • Fully automatable.


  • Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support
  • Always use 32-bit plugins in 32-bit hosts, or 64-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts!

64-bit plugins can’t work in 32-bit hosts even if the operating system is 64-bit. Do NOT use 32-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts. They would have to be bridged and can become slow and unstable


  • Mac OS X (10.7 and newer, 32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AU / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support

AU note: in some hosts, the GUI is not shown for the first time, if so, then please just restart the host.

Price History: MVibratoMB
47.00 $
Buyer Rating63 Votes


Dual user interface – the plugin is not only extremely versatile, but also quick and easy-to-use thanks to 2 graphical user interfaces. First there is a simple default one with several predefined modes, but just a few controls, which lets you start quickly and easily without any knowledge. All you need to do is choose what you want and use a few knobs. And the plugins also has an advanced mode, which provides all the extreme features the plugin offers.

1-6 fully configurable independent bands – built on 3 perfectly transparent crossover algorithms (analog, linear-phase and hybrid) with fully adjustable limits and input gains. Includes peak meters for all bands and the master.

Continuously adjustable oscillator shape – every oscillator in our plugins is defined by a mix of predefined oscillator shapes, custom waveforms edited using our MeldaProduction Envelope System (MES), step-sequencer and several methods for algorithmic postprocessing. It is the most advanced approach for defining oscillator shapes.

4 global modulators – in each instance you can have up to 4 fully-featured modulators that can modulate any set of parameters including other modulators! In this way you can make the sound move in time, be less static and more interesting. Each modulator works as LFO, follower, midi/audio triggered ADSR envelopes, a pitch detector or even a combination. 


  • Up to 8 channels surround processing – our plugins can handle not only mono and stereo signals, but also up to 8 channels of surround audio, making them ideal for audio production for movies, games etc. 
  • Full randomization – using a single button you can generate completely new settings. By clicking the button you can walk through the billions of possible settings and find the best one for you! And if that’s too much, you can just hold ctrl and MMultiBandDelay will only slightly modify existing settings.
  • Extremely advanced and easy-to-use user interface – our products are always designed to enhance the workflow. You can easily change all values, fine-tune each control in multiple ways. Easy orientation in a standardized GUI, textual editing and smooth visualization with almost unlimited zooming are standard in all of our plugins. Moreover our plugins are the world first (and still the only ones), which support resizable and stylable GUI’s.
  • Automatic synchronization to host tempo – every oscillator and modulator in the plugin can automatically synchronize to the host providing as natural a sound as possible while not offending other tracks.
  • MIDI controllers with MIDI learn – you can map any parameter to any MIDI controller or MIDI keyboard and control it realtime or record and automate it.
  • Very fast, optimized for SSE and SSE2 processor.
  • Global preset management and online preset exchange – using a title button you can save your settings (which are shared on the computer) so you can easily access these in other songs. Moreover all plugins can automatically share your presets and download presets of other users from our servers (if this feature is enabled). We are building a community and you can be a part of it!.


  • Windows 8 / 10 / 11 (64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AAX compatible host (64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support


  • macOS 10.14 and newer (64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AU / AAX compatible host
  • Intel/AMD/M1 processor with SSE2 support
  • Native Apple Silicon ARM CPU support

Note:Please check your product PDF documentation for more information and installation instructions.

Price History: MDelayMB
54.00 $
Buyer Rating138 Votes


MUnison is a unique combination of doubler/unison and smart harmonizer. It lets your vocals sound like an orchestra with automatically scaled harmonies, produces classic double-tracking effect and much more…

Up to 50 Virtual Voices

MUnison takes your audio, analyzes it, detects its pitch if needed and generates other voices. These can play the same pitch as the original and just fluctuate around it to get the realistic unison effect. Or they can play harmonies, following the scale you choose, useful even for live performances actually. Or they can sound very different, creating a whole orchestra of people singing/playing with whatever you want.

Modulation Heaven

The plugin sounds very “live” already, but if you want to introduce some additional creative changes, the plugin provides plenty. MUnison lets you modulate any parameter from sources such as an LFO, audio level follower, envelope generator, randomizer, or pitch detector. Your sound will never be static again.

MeldaProduction Goodies

Like always you’ll find the standard MeldaProduction features: M/S, surround support as well as other channel modes, A-H presets for easy comparisons, our easy to use integrated help system, automatic gain compensation and much more.


  • The most advanced user interface on the market – stylable, resizable, GPU accelerated
  • Unique visualisation engine with classic meters and time graphs
  • 4 exceptionally versatile modulators
  • Adjustable oscillator shape technology
  • 4 multiparameters
  • M/S, single channel, up to 8 channels surround processing…
  • Smart randomisation
  • Automatic gain compensation (AGC)
  • Safety limiter
  • MIDI controllers with MIDI learn
  • 64-bit processing and an unlimited sampling rate
  • Extremely fast, optimised for newest AVX capable processors
  • Global preset management and online preset exchange
  • Supports VST, VST3, AU and AAX interfaces on Windows & Mac, both 32-bit and 64-bit
  • No dongle nor internet access is required for activation
  • Free-for-life updates


  • Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support
  • Always use 32-bit plugins in 32-bit hosts, or 64-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts!

64-bit plugins can’t work in 32-bit hosts even if the operating system is 64-bit. Do NOT use 32-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts. They would have to be bridged and can become slow and unstable


  • Mac OS X (10.7 and newer, 32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AU / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support

AU note: in some hosts, the GUI is not shown for the first time, if so, then please just restart the host.

Price History: MUnison
120.00 $
Buyer Rating106 Votes


MStereoProcessor is an advanced multiband stereo analyzer and enhancer plugin. Using MStereoProcessor you can make your recordings and mixes sound more professional by easily controlling stereo image and the necessary perception of depth and space.

It is a necessary tool to finish your recordings. It lets you look at and listen to the stereo field and its mono compatibility, ensuring your recording is truly placed into the center. It can widen, shrink and excite stereo field on 4 separate bands.


Global panorama, widening and exciting – for starters you can modify the panorama and widening of the signal itself. The algorithm is totally transparent and mono compatible. Finally you can apply a broadband exciter to improve the clarity of each band.

  • 4 bands with separate widening and exciting – while it is often desired to have bass stereo field minimal as opposed to treble, MStereoProcessor lets you process all bands separately. You can modify the stereo field from mono to a 200% increase and even perform delayed stereo enhancement. Both algorithms are fully transparent and mono compatible. You can also apply an exciter to improve the clarity of each band. MStereoProcessor provides 3 types of crossover (analog, linear-phase, hybrid), so you can choose the optimal band separation mode for your particular audio material.
  • 2D stereo field analyzer and channel peak meters – integrated analyzers give you an accurate view of the output stereo profile, which you can use to ensure the recording is accurately wide and has correct direction.
  • Mono/stereo field check – you can easily check if your recording is mono compatible and what the stereo content actually is.
  • Mute and solo for each band – you can always listen to each band and check that each spectral part of the recording is perfect.
  • Extremely advanced and easy-to-use user interface – our products are always designed to enhance the workflow. You can easily change all values, fine-tune each control in multiple ways. Easy orientation in a standardized GUI, textual editing and smooth visualization with almost unlimited zooming are standard in all of our plugins. Moreover our plugins are the world first (and still the only ones), which support resizable and stylable GUI’s.
  • MIDI controllers with MIDI learn – you can map any parameter to any MIDI controller or MIDI keyboard and control it realtime or record and automate it.
  • Very fast, optimized for SSE and SSE2 processors.
  • Global preset management and online preset exchange – using a title button you can save your settings (which are shared on the computer) so you can easily access these in other songs. Moreover all plugins can automatically share your presets and download presets of other users from our servers (if this feature is enabled). We are building a community and you can be a part of it!
  • Fully automatable.


  • Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support
  • Always use 32-bit plugins in 32-bit hosts, or 64-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts!

64-bit plugins can’t work in 32-bit hosts even if the operating system is 64-bit. Do NOT use 32-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts. They would have to be bridged and can become slow and unstable


  • Mac OS X (10.7 and newer, 32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AU / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support

AU note: in some hosts, the GUI is not shown for the first time, if so, then please just restart the host.

Price History: MStereoProcessor
86.00 $
Buyer Rating161 Votes


MAmp is a great sounding vintage amp. Whether you are looking for a soft saturation to enhance the harmonic content or a great sounding creative distortion, MAmp is the perfect tool for the job.

High Quality Analog Simulation

MAmp employs the famous distortion algorithm from MVintageRotary, which is inspired by the vintage analog components, but is not limited that way. Courtesy of digital processing!

Modulation Heaven

Looking for a little extra variation in your sound? Maybe you want the rotary to switch from slow to fast and back automatically, or you want more distortion when you play louder? This and much more can be easily made true using our incredible modulators.


  • The most advanced user interface on the market – stylable, resizable, GPU accelerated
  • Unique visualisation engine with classic meters and time graphs
  • exceptionally versatile modulators
  • Adjustable oscillator shape technology
  • 4 multiparameters
  • M/S, single channel, up to 8 channels surround processing…
  • Smart randomisation
  • Automatic gain compensation (AGC)
  • Safety limiter
  • Adjustable up-sampling 1x-16x
  • MIDI controllers with MIDI learn
  • Very fast, optimised for SSE/SSE2/SSE3 processors
  • Global preset management and online preset exchange
  • Supports VST, VST3, AU and AAX interfaces on Windows & Mac, both 32-bit and 64-bit
  • No dongle nor internet access is required for activation
  • Free-for-life updates


  • Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support
  • Always use 32-bit plugins in 32-bit hosts, or 64-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts!

64-bit plugins can’t work in 32-bit hosts even if the operating system is 64-bit. Do NOT use 32-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts. They would have to be bridged and can become slow and unstable


  • Mac OS X (10.7 and newer, 32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AU / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support

AU note: in some hosts, the GUI is not shown for the first time, if so, then please just restart the host.

Price History: MAmp
47.00 $