An unfortunate experiment has had the ShamanStems laboratory exposed to critical levels of radiation. The surviving scientists managed to contain the area but their Elektron apparatuses have been permanently damaged, becoming unstable and unpredictable: otherworldly auditory renderings have been appearing and disappearing throughout the precipices in a seemingly uncoordinated fashion.
These peculiar sounds have been carefully recorded, edited and arranged as to perhaps provide an insight into the events that have transpired.
A bonus 8 full Demo Drum Loops are present as wav files, with variants for each machine, offering you 64 Loops in total. Plus we’ve included 8 Ableton Live Projects for each demo loop where you can edit the racks, MIDI grooves or automation. There are 16 template projects for those who want a quick start with a specific rack, or the full drum kit containing all 15 racks.
Pack Contents:
- 1466 Oneshots – 24Bit, 44.1Khz Wav
- 123 Toms
- 100 Claps
- 55 Claves
- 99 Cowbells
- 160 Cymbals
- 101 FM percussion
- 125 Snares
- 127 Hihats
- 222 Kicks
- 221 Quirky percussion
- 64 Piercing percussion
- 69 Shakers
- 64 Demo Loops
- 1 Ableton Live 9.7 + Pack
- 15 Ableton Live 9.7 + Racks
- 8 Ableton Live 9.7+ Demo Projects
- 16 Ableton Live 9.7+ Template Projects
Total Number Of Files:
- 1569
- 1.56 GB zipped
Software Requirements:
- Ableton formats require Ableton Live 9.7+