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rL360 Session

Make your mixes sound BIG!

Immediately start creating stunning immersive experiences in any DAW and hear how deep your headphone mix can sound!

Let your ears be the judge

rL360 Session relies on a spatialization engine like no other, which provides a startlingly vivid perception of location, distance, and environment. Designed for creators to build immersive sound-worlds with more depth, spaciousness and realism than a traditional stereo mix can provide.


Surround your listeners with sound! Any sound processed by rL360 Session becomes a sound object and can be positioned anywhere around the immersive environment; in front or back, above or below, closer or farther away. With rL360 Session, the sound is outside your head and in the room.

SHAPE THE ACOUSTIC IMAGE AND DEPTH OF A SCENE – Immersive acoustics designed for creative music production

rL360 Session has 8 virtual acoustic environment presets designed for music production, including various sized concert halls, a recording room, jazz club, and more.

Adjust the acoustic character of your environment using controls that change its size, damping, and balance of early reflections and diffuse reverb. Then save your custom preset and add it to the list!

How can my music benefit from rL360 Session? rL360 session will enhance your headphone mixes with more depth, spaciousness, and imaging than you’ve ever heard before.

How is rL360 Session different? rL360 session is simple to use and utilizes the world-class rLengine for some of the most realistic binaural encoding available, and the pristine and customizable acoustic environments make rL360 Session a next-level production tool.

  • Plugin format VST3 / AU / AAX
  • Mac OS X OS X 10.14 + Intel CPU (2 GHz)
  • Windows Windows 7 through 11
  • DAW support Pro Tools 11 or higher
    Most VST3 / AU hosts
    64-bit support only
  • Supported 44.1 | 48 | 88.2 | 96 kHz sample rates
Price History: rL360 Session
149.00 $