A sound pack filled with 50 beautiful musical patches, suitable for any kind of music.
This pack is made for people who want to take their music and sound design to the next level, it contains 50 sounds that are very complex and use all different kinds of modules in Zebra.
Having years of synth experience I really tried to take it up a notch to provide patches that are not out there yet. And Zebra is the perfect synth to do so.
All 50 patches have the most useful parameters assigned to the X&Y Pads, which means that each patch contains a huge amount of additional sounds that you can modulate.
This way you can use the sounds straight away in your production, but they are also great for learning.
If you dive deeper into the patches you’ll see a great amount of synth tricks that are not commonly used, you can take these ideas and apply them to every synth out there.
The demo track is just a lot of the sounds playing after each other, nothing is layered, nothing has additional FX to it, just holding one key at a time triggering different patches.
I hope you enjoy these great sounds and learn a lot while doing so!