Home / Guitars and Basses / Pickups / Bass Pickups

Accessories for Bass Pickups (10)

Electronics for Basses (32)

Pickups for 4-String J-Bass (93)

Pickups for 4-String P-Bass (46)

Pickups for 5-String J-Bass (33)

Pickups for 5-String P-Bass (5)

Pickups for 6-String Basses (4)

At Soundsmag, we offer a wide selection of high-quality bass pickups from the best brands in the industry. Our collection of bass pickups is designed to provide you with a clear and powerful sound that’s perfect for any performance. Whether you’re a professional bass player or just starting out, our bass pickups are the perfect choice for enhancing the natural sound of your instrument. Buy your bass pickups from Soundsmag today at the best price and take your sound to the next level.

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